

Sky Syzygy is a trans filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist, a racial and gender justice facilitator, and a data scientist. Her work focuses attention on gestures, points of contact, and solidarity to acknowledge and celebrate individuals and events that are not usually the subjects of attention. She draws on techniques of printmaking, documentary, and movement building for working in collaboration with these individuals and their communities.

Sky has an MFA from The New School, a degree in physics from Harvard, and performed as a dancer in the US and internationally for over a decade. She is an A.I.R. Gallery member and has been a resident at Women?s Studio Workshop, the Jan Van Eyck Academie, the Art & Law Program, and Mass MoCA, among others. Her videos and installations have been exhibited in group shows and festivals in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia.

In 2021, Sky launched gender.network, an archive of flyers, photos, artwork, cartoons, letters, poems, and other media by trans*, Two- spirit, nonbinary, and trans-adjacent activists, organizers, and artists. In 2024, a selection of these materials will be published as an artist book, gender liberators by Women?s Studio Workshop. This project has received funding from Humanities New York, New York State Council on the Arts, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, and the Puffin Foundation.